Saturday, July 26, 2008

Boston Scientific Heart of Summer 10K

I signed up for this race to serve as a carrot for getting some fitness back while I couldn't bike. 10K = about the time of a cyclocross race, plus it was a stretch for me, as I could do 5K already. Today was Judgement Day. I ended up with 50:24, 8:07 minutes per mile. According to last year's results, that makes me pack fill. Go figure. I was actually worried that I was further back, since people kept passing me and after a while I was alone. What kept me going, though, were some cute butts to chase. Apparently that worked well, since my best pace so far (over only 8.85K even) was 8:19, and I could only manage 8:07 for 5K so far. Races are good motivators.

Now that I can bike, the challenge will be to keep up with the running. Maybe some duathlons? Basso finally shipped my derailleur hangers, so my ghetto TT bike might be ready soon-ish.