Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ride report

It was supposed to be mostly cloudy and around 40 today, but it ended up being sunny and most certainly more that 40, which made for great riding weather! There was even a freak out jogging in shorts and no shirt! Maybe 10 miles into the ride a twinge in my knee reminded my knee reminded me to lower the saddle a smidge, and afterward the knee pain was considerably less. My pace was about on par with last year's first rides for the Rosemount loop, so I guess I can't be too disappointed with that. If I can manage to keep some power from the cyclocross season into spring then I'll be happy. I'm thinking climbing repeats would help with that; it's too bad there's only one shorter hill in the Twin Cities within easy riding distance! Perhaps I'll have to explore Afton and combine a long ride with some hill climbing. I got girled on my way back, and I kicked it up a notch and keep her in sight to soothe my ego but I hit every stoplight on Summit! Oh well, after a 50+ mile ride I'm entitled to take it easy coming back home. Looking forward to a taco recovery meal!