Sunday, March 11, 2007

Texas Hell Week day 4: A long day in the saddle

Well I'm happy to report there was no drama today. The Allez went (get it?), no major mishaps, and it was a good, exhausting ride.
__The day started out very Portland-like: cloudy with a light, warm rain. A thunderstorm was forecast for the afternoon, so I didn't want to lollygag too much. The real rain hit on the last stretch, but fortunately is was still a warm rain, so not too bad. The best part was when I got the hotel: the housekeeper was just finishing cleaning our room and apologized when she saw me waiting all soaked, and handed me a still-warm towel from the cart! Days Inn Fredericksburg you rock! The only other noteworthy event was climbing a particularly steep hill in the middle ring and torquing pretty hard when the bike decided I should be in the granny ring and shifted itself, causing me to slam my shin into the pedal. Lacking other drama, I thought I'd just post some pictures from the day.

They have llamas here too!

Yes, we did climb this hill!

Apparently they have a problem with promiscuous cattle here

The ghetto bike